As some of you probably noticed that my web site has not been up to date since the beginning of 2018 , my husband had heart failure and a-fib. and was in the hospital for awhile , he does all the updates arranges the shows that l attend so to say the least it has been a real struggle to maintain my show season and of course my web business suffered but l would like to thank all the people that still purchased from me and most of all the people at the Market that helped me set-up and tear down my vendor booth . Jim is now on the mend after 6 tough months he is finally able to walk small distances with out assistance so we will be updating and adding my unique brand of Wearable Earth Art Jewellery regularly so all my customers can view whats new .
Also l will update the event calender for the remainder of 2018 as there are some very exciting shows that l will be attending .
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